上週消息傳出, Amex 開始在他們所有信用的 Offer Terms 條款內新增了一段限制文字:
Welcome offer not available to applicants who have or have had this Card. We may also consider the number of American Express Cards you have opened and closed as well as other factors in making a decision on your welcome offer eligibility.
前幾天的文摘內有提到,這樣模糊的條款其實很難實施,誰知道話才說完,新規則立馬就開始實施了。 網友表示今天申請了 Amex Hilton Honor Ascend 信用卡後出現了以下畫面

哈利波特, based on your history with American Express welcome offers, introductory APR offers, or the number of cards you have opened and closed, you are not eligible to receive this welcome offer.
We have not yet performed a credit check. Would you still like to proceed?
目前還不知道實際的限制條件為何,但可以確定的是,各種一直以來被認為是 gaming the system 的「伎倆」,從今之後都必須要三思而後行了。這遊戲是不是越來越難玩了?
不過話說回來,其實 Amex 如此執行此規則,還算是給玩家們留了一條後路,至少還沒有 HP (credit check),也不會白白增加了一個 new account 卻拿不到任何開卡禮點數。
如果不提示,讓消費者在滿足任務後才默默發現自己拿不到開卡禮,才是最殘忍的執行方法 (但可能會被告就是了 XD)